Tuesday, May 25, 2010


It was a little over a year ago that Eric Mathews introduced me to Scott Brown. We were having breakfast one Monday morning at Republic Coffee when Scott told me about this idea that he had.

"Ever notice that it's almost impossible to find menu items on the internet?", he said.

Thus began our journey into the crazy world of technological entrepreneurship. Over the next few weeks, we worked on a prototype for the site, got great feedback and enthusiasm from our users and launched MarksMenus.com. It's been almost a year since we put the first version of our site online and we are absolutely thrilled with the response that we have received from our users. Your suggestions and comments have helped us create a site that we are proud to call our own, but we're not done yet!

We recently launched promotions for our premium restaurants, an iPhone app and a Android app. We've got a TON of other cool things in the works that I would LOVE to tell you about, but Scott and Eric swore me to secrecy. As soon as they are ready I'll let you know.

To all of our loyal users, THANK YOU! We could not have gotten this far without you. To our new users, WELCOME! We really hope that you enjoy using the site. Remember - if you don't see your favorite restaurant, feel free to add it to the site. To our first premium restaurants, a very special thanks - we're working overtime to figure out new ways to help you connect with your customers.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you guys launched a blog and learn some back story to MarksMenus. Looking forward to what's next!
